Interview: Foods for a Healthy Immune System
Media outlet: Canada AM
Expert guest: Jen Sygo, RD

Interview Rewind: We review a media interview and offer our expert POV, highlighting strengths and suggestions for improvement. Let’s watch Registered Dietitian  Jen Sygo as she discusses foods for a healthy immune system

Topic and Key Messages

  • Interview topic focused on foods to maintain a healthy immune system; the story was a timely hook in early November (flu season), and followed an earlier interview with a medical expert about the importance of getting the flu shot.
  • Key message was as clear, repeated, and easy to remember – there are foods that can help maintain a healthy immune system, but many of us are not eating enough of these foods.
  • At the very beginning of the interview, Jen dispelled the myth of “immune-boosting foods”. She used an excellent sound bite “Food first” when asked about supplements.

Key Message Delivery

  • Jen was clearly leading the interview, using excellent hooks such as “So, let’s talk about the dietary factors” and “Well, I brought a few and we can go from A to Z.” These statements led the host to naturally ask about the visuals.
  • Jen’s eye contact was perfect, keeping her eyes on the host and referring to the visuals as needed. Her tone was conversational and she used consumer friendly language. There was good energy in her voice.
  • Jen’s body language was confident, calm and open (whereas the host hand her hands crossed in front of her).
  • When asked about chicken noodle soup, Jen replied with ease. It’s a terrific example of thinking on your feet!


  • Jen maximized the use of the counter, displaying a variety of food props grouped in four “stations”. She successfully addressed each of these “stations” during the interview.
  • Suggestion for improvement: A minor suggestion is that Jen could have cut the sweet potato and butternut squash in half to really highlight the gorgeous orange colour of vitamin A-rich foods.


  • Wardrobe was professional, and the poppy was appropriate for the time of the year.